How much do you tip a furniture mover?

Have you ever wonder what is mover’s salary and if you need to pay some extra tips for the hard job they do? If yes, this post will give an answer to these questions.

First of all, Movers get a salary on average of around $20/h and yes, they do get tips. If you wonder why after such a salary you still have to pay tips (for example servers in the restaurants get tips, because, first of all, they have a salary sometimes $5/h) I will explain to you why.

Moving a job is really hard work. It requires some experience and understanding of how to make it safe, without damaging items they move and the space they are working in. Stacking a truck is another serious work that requires skills and only experienced movers do stacking in the truck. First of all, you have to make sure it’s all stacked safely because while the delivery truck is shaking and if you did it wrong you can destroy half of the client’s items and get in trouble.
Movers work sometimes up to 12 hours because usually, clients require to make a move in one day, so you can imagine how tire you can get. Few more backs are a great motivation for any person to make a job better.

So, do you tip furniture movers, and how much?

How much to tip furniture moversAs I said before, tipping more is really a great way to extra motivate workers to do a hard job. Another reason is these particular guys do the job for you, and you usually pay the company for the job by hourly rate, so the faster movers do the job, the less you pay to a moving company. Tipping movers, in this case, can even save you money!

When you wondering how much to tip movers you firstly have to understand how big is your job, if you have a regular one-bedroom extra $20 to a couple of movers will be more than enough. If you move just a room, a couple of bottles of water can be enough. If you have some really huge and important items, you can just tip movers some extra backs just for this item, so they will take care of it more. But eventually, it’s up to you how much to tip movers.

Pictured: "Get a free moving quote" text with a moving company driver.